It’s no secret that I’m a bookworm. Since I started my audible membership about 18 months ago, I’ve got over 30 titles in my library *insert nerd emoji*
I mean, I’m just a really big nerd, my friend.
I’m a big believer that time is our most valuable asset as entrepreneurs, and learning how to protect your time is a skill that can help you serve your clients better and avoid burnout.

Why Audible?
Audible makes it easy to keep all your books in one place and listen on the go, whenever, wherever.
Here’s the thing: as much as I love reading and learning, if it weren’t for audible, I would have read a total of ZERO books in the last year.
It’s true!
Most of my reading gets done while I’m working out, or driving, or showering, or cleaning the dishes.
I rarely sit still long enough to hold a physical book in my hands and read.
I hope this list blesses you as much as it’s blessed me and my business. Happy reading, my friend!
Laura challenges us to think of our time differently, to see our time in terms of weeks instead of 24 hours, and that everyone has the same 168 hours every week to get stuff done. But why do some people get more done than others? Here’s the thing, my day to day isn’t exactly the same. My Monday is not the same as my Saturday. But my weeks pretty much repeat themselves (Monday through Sunday). Laura walks you through how to rethink and restructure your time to get more things done.

I picked up this book when I really wanted to hone in on breaking down my goals into tasks to focus on. This book gave me that and SO much more. Instead of making goals to reach in 12 months, this book shows you how to reach the same goal in 12 weeks.

I remember listening to this when we went on my mom’s 60th birthday cruise to Bermuda. I love some of the practical tools Tim gives for redirecting phone calls and emails (with exactly what to say) so that you can stay on task and get things done.

Another fantastic book on setting goals you’ll actually reach.

I was *just* talking about how I want to reread this! I’ve turned into a snooze hitter again. This book talks about breaking the habit of hitting snooze, and how to get the most out of your day by having a successful morning.

Let me know in the comments below, which one are you dying to start reading first?