There are people you meet in life that you just feel instantly connected to and as you get to know them, it becomes abundantly clear. Nyla is one of those people for me. She’s funny, smart, talented, and creative. She babysits many of the kids in her neighborhood and they love her SO much, they ask their parents when Nyla gets to watch them again! Since the moment I met Nyla, I felt instantly connected. She loves flavorful food and picked on me for my newfound love of Panda Express (but seriously it was SO GOOD!) When we talked about doing Nyla’s senior photos on the beach, I discovered a girl who not only shares my love for blush, tulle, and sparkle, but also the passion and creativity for making it herself (which I’m secretly hoping we’ll get to capture in the near future).
Nyla moved to North Florida from Connecticut about four years ago and loves the beautiful beaches and sunshine. She’s already weeks ahead of completing a class she just started for the last semester of her senior year! When she graduates high school, she wants to go to college to be a nurse anesthetist. I’m confident she’ll do incredibly well! She loves the close relationship she has with her mom and wants to stay close to home.
Nyla, here’s to wishing all of your biggest dreams come true! I admire your grace, modesty, intelligence, and determination. You’re incredibly smart and talented and I’m a firm believer your dreams will flourish!